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IronSite is all about creating with our hands, and we love when our customers do the same! You may not be building huge structures or doing foundation/dirt work, but fun side projects are a great way to show off your DIY skills.

Proper Tools

Before you can get to creating awesome things, you need the proper tools. A toolbox is a great investment in every household, whether for household tasks, or completing projects on your never ending to do list! Here are some great tools to own for all your basic household needs, and to get you started on some of those DIY projects.

The Toolbox

First and foremost, you need a house for your tools. Don’t be the Andy Dwyer’s of the world and keep your tools in a plastic bag in a random drawer. Invest in a toolbox, it doesn’t need to be overly fancy or expensive, but something to centralize all of your tools and keep them organized.

Tape Measure

Cut once, measure, twice right? Every house needs a tape measure, even if just to move your significant other’s stuff over an inch to the right every month to freak them out.


A perfect tool for seeing in the dark or trying to get more light on a specific spot. Go with a headlamp if you want to go handsfree and hear some funny jokes directed at you.

The (Claw) Hammer

One of the most basic, and useful tools. A claw hammer drives nails in and the back “claw” end pulls nails out. Look for a hammer with a solid grip to help with shock absorption.


One of the most versatile tools in existence, the pliers can second as a clamp, replace a wrench, cut wires and much more.

Adjustable Wrench

Get an adjustable crescent wrench so you don’t need to invest in more than one wrench.


Go with a kit that has different sized Phillips and flat heads in it. Look for a good grip to make the job easier.

Electric Drill

Get an electric drill. End of story. They are such a great tool that can save so many headaches. Go with cordless to make maneuvering easier, and invest in different bits and screws.


Don’t be the person who just hammers nails into walls and hangs something randomly. Get a level so you know what you’re doing is level and looking good.

Utility Knife

Invest in a utility blade. Utility knives are very handy and often come with a retractable blade for safety. Look for one that has replaceable blades and stock up! You wouldn’t shave with a dull razor, don’t use a dull knife!

Duct Tape

No reason needed.

These are some of the most simple and basic tools to have in a toolbox. Start basic and small and as you grow into your tools, continue to buy, and add more to your toolbox!

It’s always cost efficient and a great confidence booster when you can tackle some home tasks and projects without outside help. Get started today and let us know what you are working on!